Essential Me | Birth Doula Services | Sydney Ka Huna Massage | Pilates

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Hydration during pregnancy & beyond

Hi, I’m Emma Gibson, the CEO of Aquamamma.

We are a daily hydration solution specifically formulated for pregnancy, labour, postpartum and breastfeeding - basically the times in your life when you are most likely to be chronically dehydrated. I know first hand just how important hydration is during pregnancy. When I was pregnant I got to know my toilet more intimately than I ever thought possible… Turns out morning sickness can happen any hour of any day!

I’ll never forget the endless waves of nausea, the exhaustion, the ‘empty stomach’ feeling, and of course, the thirst! Water just didn’t cut it. Even though it doesn’t taste like anything, I couldn’t stomach the taste of it! I needed water but I wanted anything but. There’s not many healthy options that are also hydrating. With Aquamamma, the electrolytes hydrated me, it was low in sugar and sodium (unlike the sports drinks I was drinking) and it actually tasted good.

Why is hydration in pregnancy important?

From about 6-8 weeks gestation, your body’s total water volume will start to increase and by the last trimester you’ll have about 8 to 9 litres of extra fluid sloshing around inside you.

All that extra water is basically helping to ‘build’ your baby. It helps to form the amniotic fluid; it helps your body produce all the extra blood it needs (your blood volume will increase by up to 50% throughout pregnancy!); it builds new tissue; and it also carries nutrients to your baby. And, let’s be honest, when you’re pregnant you need to wee a lot more. And your ‘insensible’ fluid losses - fluid lost through perspiration and breathing - also increases.

Basically you’re a growing, weeing, sweating, puffing mess! And all these changes mean that you need to consume more fluid each day.

Experts recommend approximately 2.3 litres (around 10 - 12 glasses^) per day. But if you add vomiting or exercise into the mix, this can be even higher.

Hydration during postpartum

Everyone is so focused on the birth that they forget to tell you that the aftermath is even harder!

Breastfeeding is really demanding. When breastfeeding, women lose around 700mL of water per day via their breastmilk alone (water accounts for 87% of breastmilk and the average milk production in the first six months of breastfeeding is 780mL per day). So you need about an extra litre of fluid every day to keep your body hydrated and your milk supply up. If you’re breastfeeding, the daily fluid recommendation is 2.6 litres (around 12 - 15 glasses^) per day.

And for those who aren’t breastfeeding, there’s still a chance you’re dehydrated. You’re time-poor, sleep-deprived and hormone-full, all the ingredients of exhaustion. Staying hydrated often falls to the bottom of your to-do list.

For many women, staying hydrated is hard to achieve. We’re all busy, we put our kids first, and sometimes it can get to 6pm and you realise you have forgotten to drink enough water. Which is where Aquamamma comes in...

What is Aquamamma?

We are a healthy hydration solution with electrolytes for hydration, along with a small amount of folic acid, Vitamin C and magnesium for pre and post natal health. It’s low in sugar (less than coconut water!) and sodium, and has no artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners.

We were created by a leading Australian obstetrician. He noticed that many of his pregnant patients were chronically dehydrated without realising it. Some had nausea and morning sickness and couldn’t stomach more liquid. Some were drinking rehydration solutions or sports drinks to feel better. He realised there was a real need for a hydration solution specifically for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Something both healthy and hydrating.

It’s crazy to think that now I’m the CEO of Aquamamma. My own experience is why I’m so passionate about sharing it with the world. Hydrating women when they need it the most is a mission I can proudly stand behind.

Emma x

^ Sources referenced in the infographic below


If you would like to try Aquamamma, use the code: HYDRATEME at checkout, for 10% off anytime.

About Emma Gibson

Emma K Gibson is the CEO of Aquamamma®, the revolutionary pregnancy and breastfeeding hydration solution that has enjoyed great success throughout APAC and the Americas. Prior to becoming CEO, Emma served as COO to 7 Trinity Biotech®, an incubator that leverages the latest advancements in technology, science and medicine to create smarter, healthier and more effective solutions to some of humanities greatest health challenges. Prior to this, Emma lived in Hong Kong for 10 years and worked in a range of executive roles in the private equity and private aviation space.

She's a mum that swears by Aquamamma, and is now based in Sydney.

NB: Essential Me does not endorse Aquamamma and is not responsible for examining or evaluating the contents or accuracy of this blog. We do not warrant and will not have any liability or responsibility for this third-party material or website/product referral. We are not liable for any harm or damages related to the purchase or use of Aquamamma supplements, goods, services, resources, content, or any other transactions made in connection with this third-party website. We suggest you consult your doctor before consuming this product.

About Essential Me

Hi, I'm Amanda.  I support women and couples during their pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey as a Doula, Ka Huna massage therapist and Pilates instructor.  I'm Based in Sydney and would love to help you.  Please check out my Top 10 Tips for the best possible birth experience here.  I'd love to meet you for an obligation free interview to see if you feel we're the right fit.  Contact me here. Thanks, Amanda x